Photo: O’Keeffe’s Abiquiu Home, K.Workman,2023

 My deepest intuition is that creativity and art are about reunion; it may be within oneself, with others, one’s ancestry, with Nature, and the Mystery of life.  One day in New Mexico, I looked up into a magnetic blue sky and snapped the picture you see here of a primary blue sky dripping down onto the adobe walls of the home once lived in by Georgia O’Keeffe. The image offers a glimpse of what I often feel when creating - that it's a place of reunion between the personal of creativity with the bigger, the universal.  The photo also speaks to me also about creative legacy.
I inherited parts of my creativity from a successful, self-taught auctioneer dad and a contemplative Marian Catholic mom whose faith was beyond tradition. They modeled different directions for creativity and voice that I continue to appreciate, draw upon, and grow into my own signature.   
 Through painting, and particularly watercolors, I often explore the natural dance between form and formlessness; painting, as well as journaling/writing help me access what I need and connect me to natural joy and the Circle of life.  Through in-person and virtual offerings, I am proud to create and offer encouraging spaces where the real, human joys of creativity are experienced first-hand without fear. The vision I hold for my Gallery is to make art accessible and affordable and in doing so, honor its universality.
 I hope you enjoy my site and use the Contact form to get in touch!

A Vision for Life & Art

I found the courage and the inspiration to paint in my early 30’s.  In response to a stressful job and searching for an outlook of and outlet for authentic beauty, I picked up Michele Cassou’s book, Life, Paint and Passion.  Now 20+ years later, I continue to explore  and share self-guided creativity and art through reflection, non-judgmental art making, and the naturally liberating power of mixed-media expression.